A dog · 08/11/16 03:00PM
A-oooooga! The sound of the approaching tugboat shatters the night’s fog. I make the boat sound with my own wet mouth.
A dog · 03/30/16 01:45PM
I can’t.
A dog · 08/10/15 12:43PM
A porthole is a boat, a boat a ship of life. Tossed upon the seas of life am I, watching from my porthole boat. A boat, a boat. A boataboat. Putt putt putt putt putt.
A dog · 07/09/15 11:45AM
Beppppp. Bep bep bep. Here is my paper note pad and here is my pen, in my mouth along with the note pad. Hello I’m here for the interview. A real professional, live on the scene.
A dog · 03/09/15 01:17PM
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A Dog · 12/12/14 01:00PM
O cummm, all ye faithfulllll. Cummm cummm cummm, it's Christmas.
A dog · 11/11/14 01:11PM
If I had a cowboy hat, what would be inside? Nothing but a furry dome—and a mouse that likes to ride!
A dog · 10/22/14 11:55AM
I would like to tell you a story, about a friend. A story? An elegy, perhaps. A friend? A soul. As fly as mine own when I'm getting all that static electricity nonstop.
A dog · 09/18/14 08:00AM
Fly! Heart roaming thru the heaven's subtle firmament. Soar! Onrushing fervor in my verisimilitude.
A dog · 08/28/14 12:00PM
The bump on my tongue is not just the end, of my tongue. It is the beginning— dash dash dash! Of a story.- - - -
Cereal In My Mouth
A dog · 08/21/14 12:00PM
I would not say that the cereal in the box was given to me. What I would say is that, through a series of events, I came to have access to the cereal in the box.
Imagine If You Were In a Volcano
A dog · 08/08/14 12:34PM
When I look into a fire... I feel hypnotize.
Crated and Obliterated
A dog · 07/24/14 09:21AM
I like a dead bird. I like a live bird. Any kind of bird is allowed to hang out with me.
A dog · 07/08/14 08:36AM
Tony. Tony? Tony! Tony. Tony! Tony.
The Best Friend Song
A dog · 06/18/14 10:51AM
The sissko kid, was a friend of minnnnne. Hey! Sisssssko kid, was a friend of mine. Hey! Who is that kid? If you don't know, he's my friend. Sing that tune!
A dog · 06/12/14 12:23PM
Urrrrrggggh. Sometimes if you eat a bug your stomach says: no thank you, I don't want that.
Trees, The Kings of the Sky Above
A dog · 06/05/14 08:39AM
I think that I shall never see/ A poem, lovely as a tree
Is It Time?
A dog · 05/28/14 03:05PM
Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Over here. Over here. Over here. Right here. Hi.
A dog · 05/22/14 10:50AM
Do you think that you are the only one who can tell a story? That is just not true. I have a story to tell.
A dog · 05/07/14 10:00AM
Shoop. Ssshhhhoo boop. Shoo boop, de boop shoo boop. Hello. Didn't see you there. Do you want to sit on a pillow? I am singing my jam.